
Expand the pricing options with the + below to find out about all of our offerings.

Basically, the more time you’d like to dedicate to your Pilates practise, the cheaper the class rate.

Memberships are a commitment to come along a certain number of classes you choose per week. Missed membership classes do not accumulate.
Class Passes are blocks of classes that can be used as many times or as little in a week as you like. This option is more suited to those without a regular routine, or those who work away.

  • $29 billed weekly gives you access to one class per week. Choose from any of our 30+ Classes running. A brilliant way to get started seeing the benefits of a regular Reformer Pilates practise. When life gets hectic, or you're headed away on holiday, it's no problems to get in contact with Alt State via email to pause your membership for as long as you need, however 7 days notice is required to make any changes.

  • Two is better than one! You will really start to see the benefits Reformer Pilates will deliver coming twice per week. Your membership will be billed weekly from the day of sign-up. When life gets hectic, or you're headed away on holiday, it's no problems to get in contact with Alt State via email to pause your membership for as long as you need, however 7 days notice is required to make any changes.

  • You're officially hooked on Reformer Pilates and ready to reach your goals and optimise your routine.
    An Ultimate Membership allows you to book up to daily classes! Our membership will be billed weekly from the day of sign-up. When life gets hectic, or you're headed away on holiday, it's no problems to get in contact with Alt State via email to pause your membership for as long as you need, however 7 days notice is required to make any changes.

  • Intro Offers run occasionally throughout the year. They are designed so that new clients can try 5 Reformer Pilates Classes for $99 at Alt+State! Can be used for ANY of the classes running in January - from Stretch & Tone to Jumpboard, Beginner and Reformer Sessions!

  • Pay for a 12class pass, get 4 classesabsolutely free. Able to be used for any classes. 6 Month expiry from start date.

  • $34 per class. Can be used for ANY 12 classes at Alt+State Pilates.

  • $29 per class. Can be used for any 24 classes at Alt+State Pilates.

  • Can be used towards any classes at Alt+State Pilates. The best value reformer package - $25 per class.

Reformer Pilates Session

This class focuses on waking up your deepest core muscles, before uniformly stretching and strengthening each muscle group. Each class will incorporate movement patterns and resistance exercises that are important to maintain good posture, breathe correctly and avoid injuries. A mix of Classical Pilates repertoire with modern, fun and creative variations. Deep stretches help to alleviate stiffness and soreness associated with our modern lifestyle.


Why should jumping just be for kids? One of the funnest workouts around - the jumpboard apparatus will give you that same good Pilates burn, plus added cardio, with some good beats too.

(DJ requests taken).

Mens Class

You wouldn’t think twice about maintaining your car properly. Think of this like your weekly bodily tune-up. If you have a physical job that leaves you achy and sore, Pilates will hep by improving core strength to lighten the load on the spine. Pilates is also incredibly beneficial for those who do not have physical jobs, who need to move and lengthen the spine in every direction to avoid compression and injury. Men are welcome to attend any regular Reformer Session at Alt+State. If you would like to enquire about sports training for your staff or sports team, please reach out to us at

Mums & Bubs

This Mothering gig is one the hardest lifestyles on the planet. Which is why we all need to look after our bodies, minds and spirits!

Every weekday 9.15am class, and 2pm Monday & Thursday class is bub-friendly. Due to the dangerous nature of moving parts, people & equipment, we ask that you use your discretion when bringing your child/ren to class.

Stretch & Tone

Remember all those stretches your physio taught you that you’re supposed to be doing daily? They actually felt amazing at the time, remember? You went home and promptly forgot to ever do them again.

We’ve got your back (literally).

This 45 min session incorporates the use of foam rollers, trigger point balls, resistance bands, reformers and magic circles to leave you feeling stretched and conditioned.

All are welcome, suitable for any fitness level.

Book a Class

Pilates is for every body. Your instructor has the knowledge and expertise to make sure you receive an appropriately challenging session.